nlenbe-nlSmart software for better quality in healthcare.

Almost a year – that’s how long Zenya BOOST has been on the market. BOOST is the tool to involve employees within organisations in changes around quality and risk management. Meanwhile, many organisations have been using BOOST with satisfaction, including Radboudumc. Thanks to the valuable input of our customers, new features will be released on 20 May. Thomas de Groot, Product Manager at Infoland, explains in this article what to expect from new features.

You can have your quality and risk management in order on the back end, but in the end it’s all about the people in your organisation. If you don’t involve them in processes or regularly inform them about changes, how do you expect them to stay involved? With that thought in mind, Zenya BOOST was developed.

“BOOST responds to the ‘softer’ side of quality and risk management,” Thomas explains. “In that world, it is often about establishing protocols or demonstrating compliance with certain standards, the ‘hard’ side. There are no tools within this field that contribute to behavioural change.”

And so Infoland’s designers, software engineers, marketers and consultants set to work on this idea. “From the first sketches, we closely involved customers in the development,” Thomas says. “In July 2023, Zenya BOOST was launched. By adding this module to our software suite, we can offer a total package to our customers.”

Want to know more about the story behind BOOST? Then also read this interview with our CEO Marieke Kessels.

Success story: Radboudumc x BOOST

It is one thing to come up with a new product, whether it actually catches on with customers is another story. Thomas: “Of course, that always remains exciting, but I am proud to see how many of our customers are using BOOST intensively after a year.”

Radboudumc is one such customer. The hospital is enthusiastically applying BOOST to reach thousands of employees. Recently, Mieke Joosten-Melis and Anja van der Cruijsen of the Radboudumc shared their experiences with Zenya BOOST in a joint webinar.

Mieke and Anja are both consultants within the Process Improvement & Implementation Advisory Group. They are responsible for all kinds of improvement-related projects. “Radboudumc has been applying BOOST since the beta version,” Thomas explains. “They were really looking forward to the arrival of our tool because they really needed it. They were looking for a fun, fresh, innovative way to highlight topics, using microlearning.”

Four goals for the application of BOOST

Radboudumc, for example, has internally run the ‘Question of the Week’, in which 550 ICU nurses have participated weekly for four years. “BOOST is the tool of choice for this, as we can now easily set up campaigns ourselves and send out the Question of the Week in a very accessible way. E-learning is not necessary and management is decentralised,” said Mieke and Anja.

Radboudumc is applying Zenya BOOST for four major goals:

  • Refreshing employees' knowledge;
  • Involving employees in processes;
  • Implementing new ways of working;
  • Optimising processes.

Question of the Week for ICU nurses

The Question of the Week, thought up by Rosanne Abbink (ICU nurse) is a strong practical example that can inspire other organisations. “The Question of the Week campaign aligns with our goal of refreshing knowledge,” the webinar reflects. “During Question of the Week, nurses are given a set of multiple-choice questions every Monday, which helps keep their knowledge up to date.”

After the questions comes a knowledge flash and a link to the corresponding protocol. This always follows a set rhythm: questions, a knowledge flash and the link. The content is entirely managed by the nurses. They create the content and monitor participation, not the outcome.

“The campaigns increase knowledge within our organisation,” Anja and Mieke tell us during the webinar. “The power lies in the rhythm. Employees have to think and answer, there is interaction. The knowledge stays on their minds much better, precisely because it is always small bits of information (microlearning), instead of long stories or training afternoons. The managers of the campaigns do have one wish: they would like a question library to draw from. This keeps our nurses’ knowledge up-to-date.”

Sharing campaigns with other organisations

Thomas says: “For me as Product Manager, it’s great to see how BOOST is applied in practice, such as at a respected customer like Radboudumc. This gives other organisations a good idea of how BOOST can make a difference for them. Because I can well imagine that it is difficult to get started with your first campaign.”

And just let that be the inspiration for the most important feature in the new release on 20 May. For then it will be possible to share campaigns with other organisations – no coincidence, of course.

“Creating a completely new campaign can be tricky. When you first open our software and see a blank screen, it is difficult to set up a campaign from scratch. After all, as a quality manager, you are not a communications consultant or marketer who does this every day,” Thomas explains. “That’s why from the new Zenya 7.3.0. release, you can share campaigns with other organisations.”

Indeed, there is often overlap in what organisations want to achieve. Think safer working and delivering better quality. You can share a campaign with one organisation or choose to share it more widely on the Infoland community. Thomas: “So creating your own content is no longer always necessary. Organisations that find this difficult thus make a flying start. After all, it is much easier to adapt existing content according to need than to create something new. It is easy to adapt a campaign now so that it suits your organisation and the target group you want to reach, so that it really connects with their world.”

Overview of new features in BOOST

  • Sharing campaigns with other organisations is now possible, as explained above by Thomas.
  • Involve external participants in your campaign. This is useful for onboarding, for example, before someone joins, for visitors to your organisation or for volunteers. Anyone with an e-mail address can now be involved in a campaign, even if they are not part of your organisation.
  • Managing participants in campaigns. With an import wizard from Excel, you can now include users in campaigns. You can import and manage both external and Zenya users in campaigns. This is useful if you want to import a group of people at once.

Thomas says these new features make BOOST more attractive to many organisations. This release kicks off content sharing, making BOOST much faster to use. “Thanks to good practical examples, such as that of Radboudumc, and the ability to get started with ready-made campaigns, I think our customers can make great progress and learn a lot from each other. Creating campaigns thus becomes very accessible!”

20 May, our customers are going to be able to enjoy the new version of Zenya! Our customers on the slow ring may get to work with Zenya 7.3.0 just under a month later (17 June).

Want to read more about the new 7.3.0. release? Read all about it here.

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