nlenSmart software for better quality in healthcare.

Privacy statement

Infoland software

Zenya Software voor Kwaliteits- en Risicomanagement - Favicon

What exactly is included in the privacy statement is up to your organization. We’re happy to help you on your way; you can use our standard text as a starting point.

Personal data are processed via the Infoland software.

  • Zenya- software for quality management (including related cloud services and apps)
  • iQualify – software for learning & testing

Infoland software is used by your organization and is managed by your own organization. Your organization is therefore responsible for and in control of the processing of personal data through Infoland software.

In this privacy statement, your organization explains which personal data are processed through Infoland software, for what purpose and how this is handled. It is recommend to read this document carefully.

Use of personal data

Personal data are processed within the software. This may be personal data provided directly by you, but it may also be personal data entered by authorized employees of your organization (administrators, managers).

This includes the following data, among others:

  • First name and last name
  • (Business) email address
  • Telephone number
  • Job title
  • Department/unit of organization
  • IP address
  • Activity log

Depending on the purchased software module (DOC, CHECK, FLOW, RISK, BOOST and/or iQualify):

  • Personal data within documents (DOC)
  • Personal data within forms (FLOW)
  • Personal data within questionnaires (CHECK)
  • Personal data within campaigns, such as discussions and answers to questions (BOOST)
  • A unique participant key per campaign (BOOST)
  • Last visit to campaign and subscription status (BOOST)
  • Learning information such as answers given within tests, test results, time needed to answer questions (iQualify)

The personal data mentioned above are only processed for granting access to Infoland software and using the services within this software. Your personal data will not be used for other purposes unless this is necessary for the fulfilment of the agreement entered into with you, with your prior consent, or your organization is allowed and/or required to do so by law.


You can only use most components in the Infoland software once a user account has been registered for you. The creation of a user account is done by authorized employees of your organization (administrators).

Provision to third parties

The data linked to your user name will not be provided to third parties unless this is required by law. If there is a suspicion of fraud/abuse of Zenya/iQualify, our online service, personal data may be handed over to the competent authorities.


Within Infoland software, cookies are used for various functional purposes.

These could be:

  • remembering input so you don’t have to type/set up input again in the future
  • remembering history (to help you browse through the application)
  • remembering session status (logged in/not logged in)
  • remembering personal preferences (e.g. column widths, opening/collapsing panels)

Please note that enabling cookies in your browser is a requirement to ensure that the software works properly.

When using the Infoland software, no cookies are placed by third parties. The only exception to this, is when you (in the context of the Infoland software) deliberately use third-party services. For example, if you are going to edit a document from Zenya in Microsoft’s Office Online.

When using the Infoland software, Google Analytics or similar parties are not in use.

Zenya Add-ins

Your organization may be using optional Zenya add-ins. In that case, more or different personal data may be processed than previously indicated. The add-ins we offer are:

  • Zenya Documents & Processes – Addin (A Microsoft Word add-in)
  • Zenya Outlook – Addin (A Microsoft Outlook add-in)

Zenya Documents & Processes allows you to easily add hyperlinks from your Microsoft Office documents to other documents, processes or forms stored in Zenya. To access what the hyperlink refers to, it is necessary to log in to your Zenya account. This keeps your (personal) data protected.

When using the Microsoft Outlook add-in, mails are linked to Zenya Flow forms. In this case, the content of these mails is processed. If this contains personal data, then that personal data will also be processed.

Where Zenya add-ins can be used in the browser, Infoland and your organization have no control over what the providers of these applications do with the cookies when they read them. For more information about these applications and how they deal with cookies, please see the privacy statements of the parties concerned. Please note that these may change regularly. These are the following parties:

  • Office Online from Microsoft
  • Outlook Online from Microsoft


We continuously take appropriate protective measures to limit improper use of and unauthorized access to personal data.

Data retention periods

The organization that has provided you with a user account for the Infoland software determines how long (personal) data is stored.

App stores

Apps can be downloaded from the following app stores; Google Play and Apple’s App Store. Your organization has no control over the personal data processed by the providers of these app stores and for what purpose. It is advisable to read the relevant privacy statement of the provider of the app store with which the app is downloaded.

Third party website

This privacy statement does not apply to third party websites that are connected, through links, to our online service. We cannot guarantee that these third parties will handle your personal data in a reliable or safe manner. It is recommended to read the privacy statement of these websites before using them.

Changes to this privacy statement

Your organization reserves the right to make changes to this privacy statement. In order to keep up to date of the latest amendments, it is recommend to consult this privacy statement regularly.

Data Protection Authority

Of course your organization will be happy to help you if you have any complaints about the processing of your personal data. Under the General Data Protection Regulation, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with your data protection authority against the processing of personal data. You can contact your data protection authority for this purpose. For the Netherlands, this is the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.


If, after reading this privacy statement, you have any further questions and/or remarks about the way personal data is handled within Infoland software, please contact your organization using the contact details known to you.

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Five unique solutions

One high-performance software suite for quality and risk management

Efficiently manage and distribute documents from a central location.

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Easily set up incident management and workflows

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Discovering improvement potential thanks to audits, checks and questionnaires.

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To be in operational control and turn strategic risks into opportunity.

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Strengthen quality and risk management and involve employees.

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can do for your organisation?

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