It is important to always have error-free and up-to-date information about the objects within your organisation. Think of devices, buildings, rooms, customers, processing and suppliers. To put this information to use as efficiently as possible, it is convenient to use a central database that you can easily access from all Zenya modules. That’s why there is the ‘Zenya Card file’.
The Card file is the binding agent between all Zenya modules within your organisation.
Developed for efficient use on smartphones and tablets, including with our apps.
Maps and fields are fully customisable and tunable to the end user.
Maps are easily retrievable by tagging objects with QR codes.
Are you interested in the possibilities of the Zenya Card file? Let us know! We will be happy to talk to you and show you the extensive possibilities. If you are already using Zenya, you can start using the Card file right away.
‘For all machines, we create a QR code in the Card file. This allows employees to immediately see the manual, maintenance history and more.’
‘We manage the devices in the laboratory through the Zenya Card file. We can also link the cards to other modules, really convenient!’
Are you interested and do you want to know more? Request a personal demo.
We will be happy to discuss the possibilities for your organisation.