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Az West has been using Zenya for incident management for 14 years

Flemish hospital az West registered no less than 36,440 reports in Zenya in 2023. The az West has been using Zenya successfully since 2010 for all kinds of processes – from streamlining leave requests to administrative matters such as requesting a new project, and from evaluating suppliers to questionnaires for patients after their admission. Andrei Hollevoet started his career at az West as an occupational therapist, but has since advanced to Electronic Patient Record (EPR) project coordinator. In this customer case, he talks about Zenya’s wide applicability and how the hospital uses all the functionalities of our software.






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Launching challenges:

  • No central incident management system
  • No insight into reports around patient safety, among other things
  • Incomplete, unstructured information

Results after implementation:

  • One central incident reporting system
  • Reduced administrative burden for nurses and staff
  • Increased operational efficiency for all departments
Andrei Hollevoet - Projectcoordinator EPD bij az West

About az West

General Hospital West (az West) is a regional general hospital located in Veurne, West Flanders. The hospital is located just a few kilometres from the North Sea and the French border. The az West offers a broad spectrum of high-quality, patient-centred care, in cooperation with primary care in Belgium. The hospital has 234 authorised beds and around 700 employees, making az West the largest employer in the region.

“Quality management and patient safety have always been high on our agenda,” Andrei kicks off his story. “For us, patient-safe care means that a patient should not suffer any harm from the care or from contact with the healthcare system. We wanted to tackle this more proactively in 2010 with a systems approach. Fourteen years ago, we had no platform available to report incidents. The information around incidents was stored everywhere and nowhere, for instance in various Exel sheets. The information was incomplete, not insightful and not structured. That needed to be more efficient…”

Zenya was the only software package that encompassed our desire: an integrated system from which we could extract standardised information of avoidable damage.”

Andrei Hollevoet
EPR project coordinator at az West

Link with electronic patient record (EPR)

The az West quality cell realised that a new system was needed to prevent and detect unsafe situations. In the autumn of 2010, az West arrived at Zenya (then iProva) after research. He says: “We were looking for a system in which we could work out all the processes, structures and procedures of our organisation. High on our priority list was to implement an electronic incident reporting system. Zenya was the only software that covered our requirement: an integrated system from which we could extract standardised information of avoidable damage.”

A big plus for the hospital: even back then, Zenya already had an integration with the International Classification for Patient Safety (ICPS), a World Health Organisation framework aimed at defining, harmonising and grouping patient safety concepts. This uses az West mainly to compare the same types of incidents.

Meanwhile, the hospital implemented nexuzhealth’s Electronic Patient Record (EPD) Clinical Workstation  and built a link with Zenya. This link allows nurses and doctors to click through from the central patient record to make an incident report in Zenya. “The data from the record is now automatically entered into the Zenya form,” says Andrei. This ensures increased operational efficiency, reduced administrative burden for healthcare staff, a simplified reporting process and correct incident reporting as well as record keeping.

Zenya offers many features. Do you want to get everything out of the software? Then it is smart to invest enough time in it. The time you invest in getting everything set up properly will pay off  later.”

Andrei Hollevoet
EPR project coordinator at az West

Some examples of how the az West uses Zenya:

  • Requests for meals (breakfast - supper) for employees are done through Zenya, so food waste in the hospital is minimal.
  • During the COVID pandemic, loved ones of patients were able to request a video call through Zenya, as attendance was limited.
  • The HR department uses Zenya for various applications, such as: career break, long-term leave applications and work accident reporting.
  • Clinical trials have to be approved at a committee, so when a doctor wants to start a clinical trial, it can be done through a convenient form.
  • The az West does supplier tracking and evaluation with the Zenya CardFile. Through FLOW, they link evaluation forms.
  • When a patient has left the pain clinic, they are forwarded a questionnaire for follow-up.
  • Many administrative matters are handled through Zenya FLOW, such as requesting camera images after an incident, patient address changes, approving purchases and requesting new projects (internally).
  • Several doctors who collect decentrally also use Zenya to create invoices and send reminders in case of overdue payments.

I am unable to say of many suppliers that acute problems are sometimes solved within a day… but with Infoland, this is the case.’

Andrei Hollevoet
EPR project coordinator at az West

Inventing your own options in Zenya

Another reason Zenya stood out from the competition in 2010 was the ability to think out things themselves in the software, in addition to the ‘fixed’ features. Andrei: “This offered us a lot of perspective towards broad use of the system across all departments.” And that wide use? It has now worked out well. Within the hospital, all departments use Zenya DOC and FLOW to support processes in different areas.

Andrei: “In 2011, in the old system, we had 125 registered notifications. In 2023, there were 36,440, spread over about 100 notification types. Think of reports for patient safety, but also reports around logistics, purchasing, HR, billing and facility services.” The West Flanders hospital is a great example of how to set up workflows in Zenya as efficiently as possible and how Zenya can be used throughout the organisation.

A fourteen-year collaboration

Does Andrei ever get positive feedback from end users? “Nurses mainly comment that clicking through from the EHR and the various Zenya modules is very easy,” Andrei says. He himself is also still happy that Zenya was chosen in 2010. Besides creating more efficiency and a higher willingness to report, Zenya has ensured that the hospital now works with one central platform on which all data is linked.

Andrei: “Zenya offers a lot of possibilities – you can build the modules modularly. Do you want to get everything out of the software? Then it’s smart to invest enough time in this. That may sound negative, but it’s not. The time you invest in getting everything set up properly will pay off handsomely later.”

The az West is not only satisfied with Zenya, they have been customers for over 14 years because they can count on the people behind the software. For instance, he regularly logs on to the Infoland Community to exchange and share knowledge with other hospitals. “I can say of few vendors that acute problems are sometimes solved within a day… but with Infoland this is indeed the case,” Andrei concludes.

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