As a company in the food industry, CIRFOOD knows all too well how important it is to continuously deliver quality. Having 144 locations in educational institutions, companies such as KPN etc., overview is most important for quality manager Jeroen Disseldorp. He is happy to tell us how Zenya contributes to this.
“When I started at CIRFOOD, a year and a half ago, my predecessor had already done quite a bit of preliminary work. He’d already made a shortlist of software packages that might meet our organization’s needs and requirements,” Jeroen explains.
“I was then completely free to make the choice. The most important thing for me was that the system had to provide me with an easy overview. For example, before we used Zenya, we could not create reports in an easy way. In my view, that really had to change, because that is the way I can manage quality within an organization like ours,” he continued.
Ultimately, the decision was made in favor of Infoland’s software, Zenya. “Zenya fits about 90-95% of our needs and that’s really neat. If I have to mention one point I dislike, it’s that it can actually do too much for what we need right now. But who knows, in the future I might say: how nice that it can do that too, so it is certainly not meant negatively.”
Of every notification, I receive a signal so that I can determine whether follow-up is needed here. We have arranged this in Zenya FLOW, and it works very well.”
“Currently, CIRFOOD uses Zenya DOC to capture workflows and standards such as ISO9001 and ISO14001. This is mainly used at the headquarters. ‘For this, a requirement was that document management is secured, but also that no one can randomly make changes. Zenya DOC is a perfect fit’ according to Jeroen.
Zenya FLOW is used for scheduling tasks and reporting incidents and deviations. The employees at the locations use it, such as temperature measurements on a regular basis with a workflow, but also the booking of deliveries and the reporting of incidents in the context of food safety. All this helps to comply with HACCP.
‘For reporting incidents I wanted to be able to link a workflow to this, so that a report does not always have to be handled immediately. I will receive a notification of every report, so I can determine whether follow-up is needed here. We set that up in Zenya FLOW, and it works very well’, Jeroen continues.”
If it’s not done on time, they’ll automatically receive a reminder. So I no longer have to follow up on this myself, unless tasks remain open for too long.”
“What’s nice, for me and for the employees on site, is that all the important, recurring tasks have been set in task schedules. They now receive a notification that they have to do something, such as measuring the temperature, so they can do it straight away and carry on with their work immediately afterwards. If it’s not done on time, they automatically get a reminder,” Jeroen explains.
“So I don’t have to follow this up myself anymore, unless tasks remain open for too long. The reports are not yet all set up the way I envisioned them, but the trends are already visible. For instance, there are locations where things are often not done until Friday afternoon, which means they encounter deviations that cannot be resolved until later. That is something I can then manage.”
“Jeroen sees that employees have already found their way with the mobile version of Zenya. ‘If they need to measure the temperature, they just use Zenya on their own smartphone to communicate this immediately, on the spot,” Jeroen explains. “Our FOODIES, external parties who offer their products at our locations, also work with Zenya and are reporting positive feedback.”
That’s why he is now in the process of implementing a tablet per location with the Zenya Capture App installed. He does see the benefit to his branch for reporting and following up on task schedules with the app: “Actually, that wasn’t scheduled until the end of 2022, but because we’ve been shut down most of the time over the past year and a half, we’ve been able to start working on this now. An advantage of a peculiar period.”
Soon when I will have the complete overview thanks to the reports, it will make my work so much easier.”
With the deployment of the Zenya Capture App, Jeroen is obviously in the process of implementing it, but the locations that are already using it are thrilled: “They find it really easy to use and above all notice the time savings of this way of working.”
In addition, Jeroen is still working on setting up various reports: “A system like Zenya should work for you, it should not become an administrative burden. Soon when I will have the complete overview thanks to the reports, it will make my work so much easier. And then I can focus on the substance of my work instead of the (administrative) peripheral issues.”
In other words, he is still optimizing. And for that Jeroen gratefully uses the support of Infoland’s Functional Management Desk: “I had an assistant but unfortunately, given the situation, he couldn’t stay. And I don’t have the time and knowledge to do it all myself. So how nice is it that I can call you guys to help me with that?”
In the future, Jeroen also sees opportunities for iQualify for the assurance of expertise. He is also interested in Zenya CHECK. “Right now we are still using other software for audit management but my goal is to merge that with Zenya DOC and FLOW. It’s obviously very convenient when everything is organized in a single system. It also makes it much easier to demonstrate compliance with the standards.”
It is fair to say that Jeroen is pleased with Zenya and that it is helping him to secure and increase quality within CIRFOOD. Quality simply cannot be forgotten throughout the organization and it is now always at the top of mind. He would love to see more organizations in the food industry working with this, though, as he sometimes finds himself somewhat isolated in the Infoland Community. But on a more serious note, he particularly sees that it can help any organization increase and maintain quality.
The brochure about Zenya FLOW shows you in which way this powerful incident management system can be deployed so that your organization can learn from reports and implement improvement actions.
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