nlenbe-nlSmart software for better quality in healthcare.

Zenya helps Heilig Hart Hospital in Lier act swiftly

Nowhere are safety and quality more important than in the healthcare sector. In addition, the COVID pandemic showed how essential flexibility is. Johan Engels, ICT manager at Heilig Hart Hospital in Lier, Belgium, also experienced this. Here, digitalisation gained momentum last year.

Johan started his career in the healthcare sector as a nurse, but when in 2016 the need for digitalisation became pressing in the hospital, he made the switch to ICT. At first, as team leader application management. This is where he got acquainted with the Zenya software. Since the 1st of March this year, he has taken on the role of ICT manager. By now, he knows his way around Zenya like no other.

CustomerHeilig Hart Hospital Lier
Johan Engels, ICT manager at Heilig Hart Hospital in Lier, BE
Johan Engels, ICT manager at Heilig Hart Hospital in Lier, BE

From a paper to a digital world

“Before 2016, everything in the hospital was still largely kept on paper”, Johan explains. “As of 2017, digital awareness started to increase, and the hospital’s ICT service also grew exponentially. Therefore, to obtain our accreditation, it was necessary to be able to demonstrate, among other things, that we had recorded procedures for everything.” For this reason, Johan and his colleagues started looking for an efficient way to manage documents and incidents and turned to Zenya.

They decided on Zenya DOC for document management and Zenya FLOW for incident management. “After that, things went quickly. First, Olivier from Infoland visited us to give a training course. Then, together with the application management team, I took on the project internally, and we expanded it according to our needs.”

“Because of COVID, our people had to get used to using the app fast. By now, they can no longer do without it.”

Because of COVID, our people had to get used to using the app fast. By now, they can no longer do without it.”

Johan Engels, ICT manager at Heilig Hart Hospital in Lier, BE
Johan Engels
ICT-manager Heilig Hart Hospital, Lier BE

The ease of document management in Zenya DOC

“In a hospital, there are procedures for everything. From the administration of an injection to the implantation of a pacemaker; you name it, it’s documented somewhere.” All these procedures must, of course, be accessible to the right people and must always be up to date. A flexible document management system was therefore critical.

“In Zenya DOC, we can easily create and edit documents ourselves. Especially with the arrival of COVID, this tool has proved its worth to us. We had to suddenly switch gears very quickly to put all the procedures and information that the employees needed into the system. At first, it was a bit quick and dirty because everything had to happen so fast, but it worked.”

The accompanying Search app made it a breeze for employees to consult information on their device and access it from home. “Currently, we see that the ‘corona tool’ is still in the top 3 of most consulted documents in our Zenya DOC. Within the space of a year, people have become quite comfortable working with the application.”

In Zenya DOC, we can easily create and edit documents ourselves. Especially with the advent of COVID, this tool has proven to be very useful for us.
In Zenya DOC, we can easily create and edit documents ourselves. Especially with the advent of COVID, this tool has proven to be very useful for us.

Hospital-wide incident reporting

Besides Zenya DOC, the hospital also uses Zenya FLOW for its incident management. “The incident reporting system is extensive” says Johan. “From actual incidents to reports of aggression – we can link a flow to everything ourselves so that the right people are informed. In turn, those people can decide whether further analysis is needed and which action points should be taken. For example, it happens that an incident has already been closed, even though someone does not agree with the solution. In such cases, I can quite easily reopen that report so that it can continue to be dealt with.”

Johan again cites the pandemic to illustrate the usefulness of Zenya. “We needed to get a clear overview of all disease reports hospital-wide to know which conditions were COVID-related.

In Zenya FLOW, we were able to set up some questions for users to answer, and the answers would be sent in one click to both the care managers and the HR department.” In this way, it quickly became clear if there was a cluster of sickness reports in one particular department and action could be taken promptly.

“Especially in the acute phase, this was very important to us because we needed certainty about the deployment of our resources. Thanks to Zenya FLOW and the accompanying Capture app, we could switch gears quickly. Sometimes we would receive a message from the work floor that something was missing in our Zenya FLOW set-up or something was not quite right. Within a few days, we were able to solve the problem, demonstrate the solution and put it into operation.”

Basically, every process is possible in Zenya. And if you just aren’t seeing the solution yourself, then you can simply turn to Infoland or the Infoland Community.”

Johan Engels, ICT manager at Heilig Hart Hospital in Lier, BE
Johan Engels
ICT-manager Heilig Hart Hospital, Lier BE

Flexibility and short lines

“One of the great things about Zenya is that it is a very flexible system. We were given some steppingstones during the initial training, and we were told what we could do with the software. After that, it pretty much became my playground,” Johan jokes. “That’s the great thing about Zenya. We can build everything ourselves, develop flows and expand upon them. We are not dependent on Infoland to adjust things, which is extremely important, especially in our sector.”

“In addition, the short lines of communication with Infoland are a real plus. If we get stuck in Zenya, we can always go to them and quickly find solutions. There is also a whole Infoland Community in which tips and working methods are shared. – We can always turn to our colleagues, and in this way, we have already come to interesting insights.”

Appearance matters

Lastly, according to Johan, there’s also the interface of the Zenya software: “The appearance is also important. A modern, fresh-looking tool, that’s what the end-user wants to see. And Zenya meets that need perfectly. At the moment, we are not yet on the latest version of Zenya, in which a lot of visual optimisations have again been made. This update is scheduled for November. We also have the opportunity to personalise certain things, such as the colours or our logo.”

“To cut a long story short: I think Zenya is a great product. And although it no longer quite fits in with my current job as ICT manager, I still like to use it to figure things out.” Johan concludes.

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