Mondriaan specialises in mental health care, prevention, addiction care and forensic psychiatry. A dedicated team of 2,400 healthcare professionals and 150 volunteers helps more than 10,000 people, from children to the elderly, in the South Limburg region every year. The aim is to provide the best care, with healthcare innovation playing a crucial role — something Zenya is helping them with.
Lianne Pijls is Staff Advisor for Care, Quality & Safety. Together with her colleagues, she is responsible for Zenya’s application management within the organisation. In this case, she talks about the outcome of and experiences with the Zenya BOOST campaigns she has deployed within Mondriaan.
“I never would have thought so, but I actually really like application management,” Lianne starts laughing. “I started my career in child and adolescent psychiatry, and gradually made the switch to staff services. That’s how I started as a staff advisor within the Quality team four years ago. We set up the Zenya modules.”
“Mondriaan has been using Zenya’s modules for a long time, for as long as I can remember. Over the years, we have used the different modules depending on where our focus was. We are currently working with a combination of Zenya DOC and Zenya FLOW. Due to our quality management ambitions in the coming years, we want to deploy the full Zenya Suite, including Zenya CHECK, Zenya RISK and Zenya BOOST.”
“Our ultimate goal is to secure the entire quality management system in Zenya,” says Lianne. “We used to have different systems for our documents, for notifications and so on. But Zenya makes it possible to combine everything into one integrated system.”
“That makes it much easier for both us and the people on the work floor. Notifications are automatically forwarded to relevant employees. You can monitor that in the system, you can put actions on it and so on.
With Zenya, you have the entire QMS bundled into one integral system. That’s nice for us as well as for the people on the work floor.”
Mondriaan works with a social intranet where messages are posted and people can respond to them. Earlier this year, Lianne set up a campaign around the MIP, Melding Incident in de Patiëntenzorg (Reporting Incident in Patient Care), through that channel.
“I want to simplify making a report and review the process behind the report form, taking into account users’ experiences. I prepared an online questionnaire and shared it, via multiple posts, on our intranet timeline. The result? About 25 responses in a matter of weeks — with a reach of about 2,500 people. Later, I shared the same posts and questionnaire, but by deploying a targeted campaign with Zenya BOOST. The result was obvious: within a week, I had as many as 100 responses!”
Later this year, Lianne set up another campaign with Zenya BOOST, this time as part of Suicide Prevention Week. “We put up messages that gave people tools within the topic, with links to webinars or training courses, for example. Last year I ran an equivalent campaign, and again the difference was remarkable. Active views, i.e. the number of people who clicked through, was as much as ten times higher on Zenya BOOST than on our own intranet.”
With Zenya BOOST, you have a great chance of reaching the right people. It is a simple and intuitive method, for which you don’t even need a consultant to set it up.”
“Care workers don’t sit at their computers all day. If they then have a moment for their administration, an e-mail catches their eye much faster than a post on the intranet. Messages there tend to get buried much faster. Moreover, Zenya BOOST posts are very good at encouraging readers to click through, for instance with a poll or an attractive quiz question. That challenges people and works, clearly.”
What does Lianne think is the best application of Zenya BOOST? “It is ideal for raising awareness of a new policy, for example, and to include your employees’ views and experiences when making decisions. They are short messages scheduled to be sent out per target group via a preset timeline. People can respond to it and engage in discussion. That makes it easier to hear everyone.” The reporting in Zenya BOOST shows the progress and responses per target group, giving you instant insight into the progress of the campaign. With this information, you can make timely campaign adjustments by adjusting the messaging that is still planned.
“Zenya BOOST is a very simple module, very intuitive,” says Lianne. “You don’t actually need a consultant to set it up for you, anyone can do this. And if we do get stuck somewhere, we can turn to Zenya’s staff. We are linked to a contact person who is always there for us. I usually do check the Zenya community first to see if I can find an answer to my question. By the way, that is also a very nice platform to connect with fellow institutions.”
Whether Lianne would recommend Zenya to other healthcare institutions? “Definitely, it is actually an integral package for your entire QMS, where your full PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) is secured. Because we are very good at planning and doing, but do our actions really work? We can monitor that through Zenya.”
“The best thing about Zenya is that chain partners in the region use the same system. This allows us to exchange experiences and learn from each other. I think that’s a very big plus!”
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