You certainly do not want a competitor to run off with your knowledge, do you? Or that sensitive customer information gets out on the street and your organisation’s reputation suffers? Then information security is crucial.
Did you know that you can ensure the security of your knowledge and information using an ISO 27001 management system? We will tell you more about it in this article.
ISO 27001 is the international standard for information security management. Although we often speak of ISO 27001, the official abbreviation for this international standard is ISO/IEC 27001.
This standard describes how, as an organisation, you can secure your information process-wise. It provides guidelines for setting up, implementing, maintaining and continuously improving an information security management system. An information security management system in conformity with ISO 27001 is called an Information Security Management System (ISMS).
In this world where cybercrime is on the rise and new threats are constantly emerging, it can seem difficult or even impossible to manage cyber risks. ISO 27001 helps organisations become risk-aware and proactively identify and address weaknesses.
The ISO 27001 standard is the fastest-growing standard of the moment. And that is just as well, because cybercrime is constantly increasing and becoming a bigger risk. Despite this, many organisations do not yet have their information security (properly) in order.
Isn’t that crazy? At home, you have fire alarms hung up, or maybe even an anti-intrusion system and cameras. Anything to protect your valuables. And yourself, of course.
Just like at home, as an organisation you need to ensure that important information is properly secured. After all, you do not want a malicious person to have access to vital business information.
Properly handling important information is not only necessary for your own organisation. Customers, employees and other stakeholders, for instance, find it crucial to know that their data is handled carefully. ISO27001 certification thus supports your organisation’s credibility.
The certificate is a ‘nice catch’: you also immediately comply with statutory requirements for your organisation’s policy. Think privacy legislation, healthcare legislation and government obligations.
The ISO 27001 standard is useful for all organisations that are serious about information security and want to demonstrate this. These can be ICT companies, but also other institutions that handle confidential information. Think about the government, banks, insurers, training centres, educational institutions and healthcare institutions.
When you set up the management system for ISO 27001 correctly, the organisation can respond to changing security risks. Among other things, this reduces your vulnerability to the growing threat of cyber attacks.
In preparation for ISO 27001 certification, all processes within the company are reviewed and optimised. All information is secured in one central place and accessible to everyone. This allows you to prepare people, processes and technology throughout the organisation for risks and threats. This increases efficiency within your organisation.
There are many different ways to set up an Information Security Management System for ISO 27001. Previously, this was often done in an ISMS manual. This is simply a collection of Word and Excel files merged into a handbook. Digital storage can then be done in a SharePoint or Google Drive environment.
Nowadays, there are also software systems for ISMS, such as Zenya software. In it, you can secure all documentation such as policies, procedures and work instructions for the entire organisation. If you record your ISMS in a software system, you do not have to work with separate documents.
You can make the relevant documentation in Zenya DOC easy to find. This way, you ensure that people read the things they need to read. You do this for example with the information security policy, which you want every employee to have read.
With ISO 27001 comes a Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. That means you need to keep checking your ISMS. For this, you can set up automatic document checks in Zenya. With tasks, you ensure that other periodic checks (such as an annual risk assessment) take place.
And then if a security incident occurs, you can report it in Zenya FLOW. The report goes automatically to the right person and action points, evaluations and improvement measures are triggered automatically.
IT Governance. (z.d.). What is ISO 27001? – Frequently asked questions on Information Security.,manage%20its%20information%20security%20risks.
British assessment bureau. (z.d.). Information guide ISO 27001.
ISO. (2023, 2 february). ISO/IEC 27001:2022.
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