nlenbe-nldkseSmart software for better quality in healthcare.



Mondriaan reaches employees more effectively with Zenya BOOST

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Het Vlaamse ziekenhuis az West registreerde in 2023 maar liefst 36.440 meldingen in Zenya. Het az West zet Zenya al sinds 2010 succesvol in voor […]
Het az West maakt al 14 jaar succesvol gebruik van Zenya voor incidentmanagement

Az West has been using Zenya for incident management for 14 years

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Flemish hospital az West registered no less than 36,440 reports in Zenya in 2023. The az West has been using Zenya successfully since 2010 for […]
Dichterbij kiest voor Zenya BOOST

Dichterbij goes for sustainable document management

Dichterbij offers people with intellectual disabilities and those around them support, care and treatment. Since December, the care organisation has been using Zenya for sustainable […]