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Meet standards efficiently with Zenya compliance overview

Why do companies do compliance management?

Nowadays, many organisations are pursuing accreditation or certification. Such an accreditation or certification is a stamp of approval demonstrating that your company’s internal quality system is well organised.

Obtaining such an accreditation or certification is almost always a good idea; for example, it gives your customers and suppliers extra confidence in the ins and outs of your company.

  • Does your company meet all the standards, guidelines and laws and regulations that apply within your industry? Great. It shows that you can continuously deliver high-quality products and services. And that makes doing business better for everyone.
  • Does your company not yet comply with all these standards, guidelines and laws and regulations? International ISO standards and national (NEN) standards, but also self-assessments of laws and regulations, processes as well as organisational objectives and rules offer tools for improvement.

Compliance management with a mountain of paperwork? It can be done better

When there is a lot to improve, it can also involve a lot of paperwork. For some companies, such a mountain of paperwork even seems to become almost unmanageable. In particular, we often see this in situations where a lot of work is still done using Excel or Word, for instance, or in situations where working methods and processes have not yet really been automated.

On top of that, standards, guidelines and laws and regulations are not static. They are regularly updated which ensures that the question of whether you as a company are still compliant is recurring. For example, annually.

Do you know exactly which standards your organisation complies with, when new certifications will take place, and do you know better than anyone else which areas for improvement your company can work on? With the compliance overview in the Zenya software you no longer have to deal with an excess of paperwork and you can easily and continuously keep track of the latest state of affairs.

Fast, digital insight and overview through software has many advantages

The compliance overview in Zenya provides insight into each part of your organisation by linking standards to processes, procedures and checklists. You can also easily import standard frameworks. From this overview, you can see how a standard or standard paragraph is covered within a certain department, cluster, location or entire organisation.

In addition, you can refer to the associated evidence. Such evidence can consist of both physical and digital sources, such as a PDF or a link to a certificate.

This way, you ensure that your compliance is quickly and digitally visible at the moment it matters with just one click of a button.

Zenya Compliance Overview

Good and correct documentation supports the audit process

If you consistently perform internal or external audits, you continuously collect objective evidence to show that a process or organisation complies with standards, guidelines or laws and regulations. It is important that this information is stored correctly. Because this is the only way to offer real certainty and reliability to stakeholders.

During an audit, an appointed auditor assesses how effectively and successfully an organisation complies with a set standard, for instance. This can be an internal auditor or an external auditor. Granting authorisation within Zenya is easy.

The auditor collects all input and when the audit is complete then you are awarded the objective evidence. This can be, for example, a certificate, but also a set of documents, registrations or information from interviews.

Usually, advice also emerges from such an audit. Based on these recommendations, you can draw up improvement measures and set tasks. All information and recommendations from audits can be conveniently stored in Zenya so that you can easily retrieve everything when you need it.

Improving faster and more efficiently is a continuous process

Because audits are a recurring process, it is smart to keep track of the entire process of auditing, obtaining advice, drafting and implementing improvement measures. You do this, for example, with periodic self-assessments as part of a PDCA cycle.

In Zenya, you can automate these kinds of self-assessments or processes quite easily. For example, set it up so that colleagues receive a personal notification or reminder when a certain task can be carried out. You don’t have to send an email or message yourself; Zenya does it for you.

Is the next audit coming up? Then it probably saves you time in preparation for it, because thanks to a correct workflow and a complete compliance overview, you already know where you are standing. You can thus sometimes save yourself (and colleagues!) a lot of time and possibly stress.

Zenya Compliance Overview - Securing compliance

The benefits of the compliance overview in the Zenya software suite:

  • Anytime, anywhere overview of the status of internal and external standards and guidelines.
  • Prioritisation within certification and accreditation processes becomes clearer;
  • Auditors have instant insight into the status around standards and associated evidence.
  • Management layers have clear insight into the status of assurance per organisational unit
  • Time savings in preparation for audits

Setting up compliance management the way it really works for your organisation

The design of your compliance management should fit the organisational structure. Zenya is flexible and can be tailored to the needs of your organisation. For example, you determine the level of evidence compliance. Per norm element, you can choose whether to state the internal and/or external score.

Decentralised management is also possible. Here, you set which standards are relevant per organisational unit, which legends are used and who is allowed to see certain data.

In these ways, you can be sure that the way compliance management is set up really suits your organisation.

Zenya Compliance Overview - Setting up as it suits your organisation

Link within Zenya modules and work seamlessly and efficiently on compliance

One of the features of the Zenya software suite is that the modules work easily together. The compliance view is no different in this; it seamlessly connects to this unified and efficient way of working.

For example, it is possible to easily link the aforementioned evidence from audits or other information to standards. To do this, place the material in Zenya DOC. This way, you always have all relevant documents and processes at hand.

You can also use the FLOW module to record and monitor improvement measures, while the CHECK module allows you to perform periodic checks or self-assessments. Link all this to the relevant standard paragraphs so that you can immediately see where everything is already in place. Could a certain point still use some attention? You can read this too from the compliance overview.

Continuous and demonstrable improvement with Infoland and Zenya

It is a fact that any organisation can achieve its (strategic) goals, as long as such an organisation is capable of continuous and demonstrable improvement. By incrementally working towards set goals and then raising the bar higher, every ambition becomes true.

Infoland’s professional experts are happy to help organisations with advice on Zenya and how its use can support your compliance management. We are also happy to help you implement our software.

Are you a Zenya user and find it valuable to learn from best practices, tips and tricks from other users? You can always visit the lively Community under the motto “Sharing.Knowledge.together.”.

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