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Agri & Food
Triferto merkt toename van meldingen dankzij Zenya

Triferto notices exponential increase in reports thanks to Zenya

From soil to life: dat is de slogan van Triferto, een internationale groothandel in minerale meststoffen. Met verschillende locaties verspreid over België, Frankrijk en Nederland is veiligheid voor hen een absolute topprioriteit. Harold Krikke, KAM-coördinator bij Triferto, vertelt hoe zij Zenya FLOW en de Capture app inzetten voor het melden van (bijna-)ongevallen en onveilige situaties […]

Quality at CIRFOOD is always top of mind with Zenya

As a company in the food industry, CIRFOOD knows all too well how important it is to continuously deliver quality. Having 144 locations in educational institutions, companies such as KPN etc., overview is most important for quality manager Jeroen Disseldorp. He is happy to tell us how Zenya contributes to this.
Cirfood Crew Portraits May 2021 Ashkan Mortezapour Photography
agriculture en food industrie - rode paprika

Greenyard Fresh: from individual files to an integrated QMS

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An organisation in the food industry with 150 permanent employees can really benefit from a solid quality management system. Years ago, the Quality Management department at Greenyard Fresh Netherlands started processinginformation in separate Word, Excel and PDF filesEven asimple search would take a lot of time in those days. For a fast-growing organisation like Greenyard, […]

Solid document management brings structure to Hoogwegt

Searching for a needle in a haystack isn’t fun for anyone. However, for Hoogwegt International’s employees, it was becoming a daily reality. Finding specific supplier and customer information was an increasingly time-consuming task due to the constantly growing data. But there was light at the end of the tunnel.
DMS voor de zuivelindustrie - Hoogwegt